Demarcation of the blocks of the Greek EEZ under geological and seismic data. Revenues from Euroasia Interconnector and Expected Hydrocarbon Deposits in Greek EEZ
On July 1st 2014 the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Yannis Maniatis, presented the concessions program for hydrocarbon exploration in the Greek sea area of Western Greece (Ionian Sea) and South Crete, in London. Twenty blocks were presented, the total area of which exceeds the 225,000 square kilometers.
In the first part of this assignment our efforts focus on showing the way the declaration took place, based on geological and seismic data. In the second part we will try to approach the economic impact from the Exclusive Economic Zone of Greece. In recent years Greek people suffer from economic crisis. The quest for its causes has diverse approaches. Its main axe moves around cultural causes, like poor economic and strategic management of their governments. Therefore because the main beneficiary but also the driving force of a state is the citizen, will outline the financial implications of the EEZ to realize why the proclamation is a national and strategic input for the future of our country.